Fit-Meals Monday

Welcome to my Recipes Page!!!

So, I have a confession to make - I have an addiction:

(Healthy food specifically ;) 

Not only food, but food blogs. I HAVE to read all my food blogs daily or I start going through withdrawals wondering what I've missed.

I feel like I have a personal connection with each blogger, as I've followed some through their pregnancies, engagements, marriages, and/or vacations. I just love reading all the stories about how they discovered the recipe or enhanced it.

Since my choice to start living a healthy lifestyle in September of 2012, my food blog addiction has been cleaned up quite a bit! Almost all the blogs I follow supply me with plenty of healthy recipes to choose from depending on how I'm feeling each day. Some days I feel like having a meatless meal, other days - all I can think about is bacon!

No matter how I feel, I want every meal to be healthy!

Now, I know it's more work to make a home-cooked meal rather than buy something pre-made or dine out all the time, but it's so much healthier for you! (and cheaper!!!) Here's the good news - once you start prepping healthy meals and get into the swing of it, it gets easier!!!

Since a lot of people don't share my food blog addiction with me, I take it as my civic duty to supply you with lots of links to my favorite healthy recipes all right here in one spot on this page. So here ya go! I'm taking the work out of it for excuses!!!

Now get in that kitchen and whip up a delectable delight and shock your family later when you tell them that it was actually good for them! I promise, with these recipes, they won't be able to tell it's a healthy recipe unless you tell them. :)

"Keep it Sexy!"

June 9th, 2014

Hola fellow food lovers! Put your foodie hats and aprons on and get ready for some healthy meals that will taste delicious and make you feel like you are eating “fluff” without the guilt! Oh yes! It can absolutely be done and I’m here to show you how! ;-)


Nutrition: (Serves 4) 195g Calories, 121 calories from fat, 13.5g Fat, 5.4g Saturated Fat, 0g Trans fat, 347mg Cholesterol, 171mg Sodium, 519mg Potassium, 5.9g Carbs, 1.2g Fiber, 2.2g Natural Sugar, 13.5g Protein
*I calculated these numbers using lean turkey breakfast sausage, heavy cream and 8 asparagus stalks.

There is something very comforting about breakfast casseroles to me. I absolutely love eggs, so that’s a win. Then you can basically add anything into the mix and bake it up, so there are plenty of flavor combinations to try out. You can prep it all the night before and bake it up in the morning (OR just go ahead and bake it the night before and warm it up in time for breakfast). Then comes the best idea of all – breakfast casserole for brunch!!! YES! I absolutely LOVE brunch! Does that make me officially old?! Oh who cares! Brunch is delicious! I mean…come on! Sleeping in AND breakfast! Life does not get better people. ;-) This recipe sells itself (clearly), but it’s my duty to tell you that it’s delicious AND nutritious! It’s low in calories, contains good fats from the egg yolks and the turkey sausage, very low in good carbs and high in protein. Seriously…make this!

Thank you to Juli at for this recipe!


Nutrition: (Serves 7 – serving size 1 pop) 65g Calories, 43 calories from fat, 4.8g Fat, 0.9g Saturated Fat, 0.1g Trans fat, 0mg Cholesterol, 73mg Sodium, 57mg Potassium, 4.9g Carbs, 1.6g Sugar, 1.6g Protein
*I calculated these numbers using Katie’s homemade oreo recipe and small pop molds.

It’s summah-time!!!! Whoop whoop! This gal is a bit excited. ;-) Time for pool parties, hamburgers straight off the grill, adorable bikini’s (or the new style – the monokini – CUTE!), chilling out on the lake and smores around the campfire! Stoked! Now let’s talk about the most important part of summer…ICE CREAM! Melty, sticky, delicious ice cream! I’m partial to Gelato and/or froyo myself, but ice cream will always be a sweet summer treat reminding me of days gone by when I’d run outside to meet the ice cream truck or beg my mom to take me to Dairy Queen or Sonic for a sugar-overload. J Luckily, there are amazing food bloggers, like Katie, who have an innate ability to create healthy ice cream recipes for us health nuts to enjoy. So…make these and ENJOY!

Thank you to Katie at for this recipe!

Nutrition: (Serves 12) 172g Calories; 10g Fat (91 calories from fat); 46mg Cholesterol, 257mg Sodium, 13g Carbs, 4g Fiber, 11g Protein
*Nutrition Information includes caramel frosting

Where are all my Starbucks lovers at? I personally am not a fan of high prices for sugar-laden coffee (or bugs in my strawberry frap – it’s true…google it!), but for those who just can’t get enough, here is a recipe just for you. I do, however, LOVE a good caramel macchiato! I just make it myself. ;-) These muffins…these muffins here…amazing! Who knew clean-eating could be so good?!? Oh yeah, I did. ;-) So try these out and enjoy “eating your coffee.” J

Thank you to Vanessa at for this guest post recipe - found at!


Nutrition (Serves 1): 225g Calories, 16g Fat, 25mg Cholesterol, 697.5mg Sodium, 16g Carbohydrates, 4g Fiber, 7g Protein

Okay, who has a spiralizer and loves it? This lady right here! Seriously, awesome!! I saw a hand-held spiralizer on sale for $10 at Bed Bath and Beyond and bought it on a whim. It’s pretty much my favorite kitchen tool now. I think I’ve tried to spiralize just about every type of veggie at the grocery store. Ahaha! I really enjoy “making pasta” out of veggies like cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, etc. It’s basically the same thing as making spaghetti squash, but more labor intensive and fun. J I know, those two things don’t usually go together, but trust me on this, okay? These flavors go really well together, but feel free to try other flavors too.

Thank you to Gina at for this recipe! 


Nutrition: (Serves 4) 356g calories, 55.2% calories from fat, 22g Fat, 124mg Cholesterol, 419mg Sodium, 7g Carbs, 3g Fiber, 33g Protein

I’ll tell you one thing – after eating WAY too much tilapia in my day (which I now completely refuse to eat considering how it is “farmed”) and enough cod during my competition prep to keep a few fishermen in business, some good crusted mahi-mahi makes me a happy woman. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of fresh-caught seafood and I can’t tell you how excited I am to be moving back to the coast soon and eating as much of it as I can. Until then, the mahi-mahi from Austin Whole Foods will have to suffice. ;-) I just love how high in protein this meal is, and the low carbs and good fats cannot be beat! Try it out and let me know what you think! Enjoy! J

Thank you to Carolyn from for this recipe – featured on

“Keep It Sexy!”

February 17th, 2014

Well hello all! Whew!!! It's been a while, huh? Believe it or not, I actually started to think about shutting down this blog. I mean, I only have 1 official follower according to Google plus. :/ As it turns out, however, it seems that a lot of people look at this blog for meal and workout ideas on the regular. So, I'm making a comeback! :) No need to waste more time - Let's get it done! Welcome (myself) back to Fit-Meals Monday and SexyFlex! (Now with Macros and Nutrition Info!!!)

Nutrition: (Serves 6) 201g Calories, 100 calories from fat, 11.1g Fat, 1.3g Saturated Fat, 0g Trans fat, 55mg Cholesterol, 229mg Sodium, 170mg Potassium, 10.6g Carbs, 2.9g Fiber, <1 g Natural Sugar, 5.6g Protein

If you haven’t heard about Quinoa (KEEN-WAA!) yet, (you clearly haven’t been checking my other recipes) it’s a fantastic source of protein and other nutrients! Not actually a grain, (although it looks and cooks like one), quinoa is a starchy seed of the goosefoot plant found in the Andes (thank you Google! LOL). It is extremely easy to make and keeps well in the fridge for a long time. Plus, you can basically mix any flavor combo with it and it tastes amazing! Trust me! My favorite part (other than the cute little spirals it makes when it is finished cooking) is it’s magic-like quality to double in size when it’s cooked. About ½ cup of dry quinoa turns into 1 – ½ cups of cooked quinoa. Yay for bulk meal prepping!
Thank you to Sarah from for this recipe!

Nutrition: (Makes 24 bites) 37g Calories,17 calories from fat, 1.9g Fat, 0.8g Saturated Fat, 0g Trans fat, 16mg Cholesterol, 59mg Sodium, 35mg Potassium, 2.7g Carbs, 2.5g Protein
*I calculated these numbers using ½ cup pepperoni, ½ cup sausage, ½ cup black olives and ¼ cup onion plus the remainder of the ingredients listed in the recipe.

I hope you took my bulk meal-prepping comment to heart earlier, because Quinoa is back again for snack time! These little pizza bites taste amazing and there is no guilt in eating these bad boys! I remember a time when I would heat up an entire bag of pizza bites and consume it in 20 minutes for dinner – AND not gain a pound! Oh, those were the unhealthiest of times. J Enjoy!
Thank you to Kristin at for this recipe!

Nutrition: (Serves 16. Each serving has 6 g of carbs and 4 g of fiber. Total NET CARBS = 2 g!)152g Calories; 14g Fat (75.7% calories from fat); 69mg Cholesterol, 172mg Sodium, 6g Carbs, 4g Fiber, 4g Protein
I absolutely refuse to give up sweets while I life my healthy lifestyle! The good news: I don’t have to give them up! You can make clean desserts just as easy as the fat-loaded, sugar-laden, carb-overload recipes from Betty whoever!!!  Trust me, they taste just as good (or better) and if you were never told otherwise, you’d never know the difference in taste. So go ahead! Eat a darn brownie and have a delicious snack (that’s actually good for you and won’t have your kids bouncing off the walls)!
Thank you to Carolyn at for this recipe!


Number of servings (yield): 4 generous side-salads or 2 “big” dinner salads
Nutrition (1/4 of recipe, including optional ingredients): 127g Calories, 34 calories from fat, 4g Fat, 1g Saturated Fat, 0mg Cholesterol, 129.8mg Sodium, 793.2mg Potassium, 20.2g Carbohydrates, 7.4g Fiber, 6.8g Sugar, 5.5g Protein
*If omitting olives, deduct 12 calories and 1.2g fat; if omitting walnuts, deduct 12 calories and 1.22g fat per serving.

Warmer weather is FINALLY here and to celebrate, I encourage you to try out this easy-peasy chopped salad (no peas involved…unless you want some ;). I adore chopped salads! Yes, I’m that girl who eats “regular” salad in a dinosaur-like way – half the spinach leaves sticking out of my mouth as I try to take each bite….classy! Ahaha! Chopping the salad just makes it so much easier to eat. J Oh healthy lifestyle problems! Such a tough life…Enjoy!
Thank you to Susan at for this recipe! 



Nutrition: (Serves 4) 370g calories, 158g calories from fat, 17.6g Fat, 3.1g Saturated Fat, 0g Trans fat, 143mg Cholesterol, 898mg Sodium, 193mg Potassium, 18.3g Carbs, 1.2g Fiber, 11.5g Sugar, 34.6g Protein

*I excluded the pine nuts, lowered the olive oil in the salad to 1 tbsp, and used my own freshly squeezed orange juice to keep the calories low.
Okay, okay. Yes, this recipe has beer in it. Get over it! Beer can actually be good for you if used in moderation like everything else. It is made from grain after all. Just use the amount in the recipe ONLY and avoid drinking a cold one while you cook, and all shall be fine! When it comes to the orange juice, “freshly squeezed” orange juice from the store is LOADED with sugar and preservatives. Don’t be lazy! Squeeze the juice yourself in the kitchen. Then it can honestly be called freshly squeezed, the calories are about 100 lower than the store bought junk, and you know exactly what’s in it – nothing but juice! J Enjoy!!!

Thank you to Jessica from for this recipe!

“Keep It Sexy!”

December 30th, 2013

Hello again everyone! First of all, let it be known that this is a LONG post, but I wanted to give you options! Can I just start off by saying THANK YOU to all of my followers and supporters of this blog (and my life in general)! I spend a lot of time on this blog and if it helps just one person life a healthier lifestyle, it would all be worth it to me! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas if you celebrate! With New Years Eve tomorrow, I'm sure many of you will be continuing the celebration into the New Year! Oh, and how many of you have decided to set New Year's resolutions? I'm not a fan of New Year's resolutions, but I am a fan of making lifestyle changes. I find that New Year's resolutions don't generally last longer than a month or two, but if I commit to something for life...I tend to hold myself to it more. Just me. :) So, what are you having for New Year's Eve dinner or New Year's Day breakfast? Well, if you don't know yet, how about I help you figure it out? OOOH! What if we kept it healthy too without it even being obvious?! ;-) Let's go!


Simple Chorizo Butternut Squash Hash (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/NATURAL SUGARS/HIGH IN NUTRIENTS/HIGH IN PROTEIN/GOOD FATS/LOW CARB/LOW CAL) - So, after a long night of drinking to celebrate bringing in the New Year, you may be left with a bit of a hangover. For some reason, at least from my personal experience, there is nothing better than a big plate of meat and eggs after a long night out. Why not make it healthy too? Skip the bag or plate-O-grease from the Sonic or Denny's down the street and enjoy this in the comfort of your own home! I added spinach and jalapenos just for kicks and it was sooooo good!!! The protein, good fats and nutrient dense meal will help your body recover faster, it will taste delicious and keep you feeling full until lunch! For added ease, chop up the ingredients tonight and store them in the fridge. After all, you're not going to want to chop veggies with a hangover! Am I right?!? Thank you to Juli at for this great recipe!


Restorative Blend Smoothie (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/WW FRIENDLY/VEGAN/VEGETARIAN/NATURAL SUGAR ONLY/LOW CARB/LOW CAL/GOOD FATS/PROTEIN/ANTIOXIDANTS) - After all the food and alcohol over the holidays, a restorative drink may be just what the doctor ordered (well, the holistic doctors anyway. ;-) Return your liver, kidneys, intestines, and muscles to proper working order with this delicious smoothie. It's not super thick like some smoothies are, but it's also not loaded down with refined sugars and carbs either. Smoothies can be so healthy but most of the brands sold in stores are loaded down with refined sugars, high bad carbs, preservatives, etc. Know what you are drinking! Make it yourself! Plus, you can make multiple servings for a very low price compared to the $3.00 per bottle/cup you'd pay at the store! Thank you to Betty Rocker at for this yummy snack!

Deep Dish Cinnamon Roll Pie (GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/VEGAN/VEGETARIAN/HIGH FIBER/HIGH PROTEIN/ANTIOXIDANT RICH/GOOD CARBS/GOOD FATS) – Okay, okay! I know you are probably so tired of baking after gingerbread houses and Christmas cookies, but trust me…This. Is. So. Worth. It!!!! You could even eat it for breakfast if you wanted! I used Truvia in this recipe instead of pure sugar to save on calories, carbs and keep my glycemic index foods at a good level. I love that this “cinnamon roll pie” is deep dish! There is nothing better than this right out of the oven…TRUST! The best part?? It’s loaded with nutrients, protein, good fats, good carbs and fiber! Don’t worry. You don’t have to tell anyone and they’ll never guess! ;) New Year’s Eve Bonus: Foods round in shape symbolize longevity (because of the never-ending circle) and wealth (because of coins). Hey…so I’m telling you to eat this deep-dish cinnamon roll pie to live a longer wealthier life. Do I really need to tell you twice! I mean…it’s for your health after all. ;-) Thank you to Katie at for this delicious recipe!
Jalapeno Kale with Bacon (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/WW FRIENDLY/ANTIOXIDANT RICH/HIGH FIBER/PROTEIN) – Do you want to detox and feel fantastic?! Then eat this salad! Okay – so spicy may not be your thing. Guess what?! You don’t have to add the jalapenos if you don’t want to…yay! J Try green bell peppers or sweet red peppers instead. Seriously folks…it’s your salad! Make it however you want! Except you MUST use kale! Kale is ah-maz-ing! It has so many benefits for the body! Look it up! *One note – if you don’t want your salad to taste bitter with a gritty texture (eww!), remove the kale leaves from the stems. Trust me…huge difference! Speaking from personal experience and a previous hatred for all things kale…who knew the stems were so disgusting?! Anyway, I love this salad as is in the recipe. New Year’s Eve Bonus: Greens symbolize money/wealth in the history of New Year’s traditions. So have a bite…ya never know! ;) Thank you to Megan from for this great salad recipe! So simple yet so good!
For New Year’s Eve Dinner, I have decided to give you multiple links for a dinner full of New Year’s traditions. Over the years, each country has developed its own traditions to bring in the New Year with the highest hopes for health, wealth, happiness, love and longevity. I hope you enjoy my picks for your healthy New Year’s Eve meal to bring in the New Year!
Black Eyed Pea Salad (GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/WW FRIENDLY/NATURAL SUGAR ONLY/ANTIXOIDANT RICH/HIGH FIBER/GOOD FATS/LOW CAL/GOOD CARBS/VEGAN/VEGETARIAN) – With Southern roots, black eyed peas are traditionally served on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day to bring luck to the new year. When this tradition came about, a bag of black eyed peas was thought to resemble a bag of coins; thus, the tradition of eating this “bag-o-coins” was developed with hopes of entering the new year with opportunities for prosperity. This recipe was found on
Soba Noodles (GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/WW FRIENDLY/VEGAN/VEGETARIAN/HIGH FIBER/HIGH ANTIOXIDANTS/NATURAL SUGARS ONLY/GOOD CARBS/GOOD FATS) – In Asia, soba noodles are a traditional meal to bring in the new year. The idea is that the long noodles symbolize longevity and eating these noodles will give you a longer life (which the next year will be part of right?!). The only things to remember when following this tradition is that you must finish your noodles before midnight on New Year’s eve and you MUST NOT allow the noodles to break while you eat them! J Most whole food stores sell 100% buckwheat noodles, so for those of you with gluten allergies…be sure to check the ingredients! For my Paleo fans, soba noodles are not allowed within most Paleo diets even though they are not a grain. You could always sub zucchini noodles or spaghetti squash instead to keep this tradition alive. Thank you to Kathy at (a 100% vegan website) for this recipe!
Main Course:
Cider Brined Pork Loin (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/WW FRIENDLY/HIGH PROTEIN/LOW CAL/GOOD CARBS/GOOD FATS) – This is a recipe you’ll want to start tonight so that it’s ready by tomorrow. I reduced the salt, brown sugar and regular sugar (I actually used coconut sugar), and it still tasted great! So many recipes out there call for loads of sugar when it’s really not even needed to help the flavor. Don’t fall into that trap! Reduce it all by half and save yourself some carbs/calories/and sodium intake. Anyway, with one serving of this recipe totaling only 237 calories, 1.7g of saturated fat, 22.1g of protein and 23.8g of good carbs – I’m not complaining. Plus it tastes delicious! Yes, it’s labor intensive, but it’s a labor of love hun! The chutney is basically to die for as well in my opinion. New Year Eve Bonus: Pork is considered lucky in Austria, Cuba and Spain because the pig pushes its nose forward when rooting in the ground for food, known to symbolize progression and hopes of prosperity. This recipe was found on
Ginger Miso Glazed Salmon (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/WW FRIENDLY/HIGH PROTEIN/GOOD FATS/GOOD CARBS/LOW CAL/LOW SODIUM) – If you are not a fan of pork, I’ve got an option for you too! This salmon is seriously divine! Plus, it only takes 40 minutes to prepare and cook! As an added bonus, one whole salmon (3 ½ pounds) serves 16! So you can enjoy it at your party or savor the leftovers on New Year’s Day! At only 155 calories, you could actually have two servings without any fear of falling off the wagon. Fish has so many health benefits, especially salmon due to all the good fats and omegas it contains. Mmm! New Year’s Eve Bonus: Northern Americans, Europeans and Asians typically eat this dish for New Year’s Eve because fish swim forward, symbolizing progression into the new year instead of falling behind into the traps of the past. There is also the thought of fish swimming in schools as a symbol for abundance. Either way, enjoy your salmon and have a Happy New Year!
Mango Bellini (GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/NO FAT/LOW CALORIE/ANTIOXIDANTS) – Okay, so this drink may not have a ton of nutritional benefits, but it’s way better for you than some of the other cocktails you might want to order this New Year’s Eve. At 121 calories, it’s about 150 calories less than the typically ordered New Year’s Eve cocktail. Plus it tastes great! If you don’t like mango, feel free to try out other fruits such as pineapple, strawberry, blueberry, etc. Thank you to Gina at for this drink recipe!

Cuban Mojito (GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/NO SUGAR ADDED/LOW FAT/LOW CAL) – When I made this drink, I used Bacardi Gold and I substituted Truvia for the Splenda (because I hate all things Splenda – it’s not all that. Don’t believe the hype – check out the info. on sugar substitutions at my other health blog: if you don’t believe me!). Anyway, using my ingredients/substitutions, this drink comes out to about 92 calories. It tastes great and it can definitely help you stay away from the cocktails crazy high in empty calories this New Year’s Eve. Of course, drinking alcohol in general is equal to consuming nothing but empty calories and high carbs, but it’s one night out of the year. Enjoy it and then get back on track on the 1st! Thank you to Gina at for this drink recipe!

*Disclaimer and Safety Side Note: Don’t drink and drive! Choose a designated driver before you go out or make the responsible decision to call a cab or book a hotel room. Be safe out there this New Year’s Eve, have a fantastic New Year and most importantly - have fun!!!!

“Keep It Sexy!”


December 23, 2013

Greetings Earthlings! I've finally landed in Austin and gotten somewhat settled in. I've actually been here about three weeks but life has been overwhelming and this is the first chance I've gotten to actually spend some time on here for y'all. I know you've probably given up on me by now, right?! Well, let's try to remedy that, shall we? :)


Pesto Zucchini Noodle Bacon Frittata with Mushrooms and Kale (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/SUGAR FREE/HIGH PROTEIN/GOOD FATS/LOW CARBS/NUTRIENT DENSE/FIBER) - Starting out the day with a meal like this just sets you up for success! You'll get a full 1-2 helpings of veggies, a serving of good fats, LOTS of protein and's sugar free! Instead of reaching for a cinammon roll or doughnut that will leave you feeling hungry and guilty within minutes, bake up this frittata and make a good decision you can be proud of throughout the day! I substitute 4 egg whites + 2 whole eggs to lower the cholesterol and fat, but you can make this however you want. It's your kitchen! :) Thank you to Juli at for this recipe!


The Healthy Fruit Yogurt Breakfast Bowl (GLUTEN FREE OPTIONS/LOW CARB/GOOD FAT/HIGH PROTEIN/LOW SUGAR) - Yes, I know this is the easiest recipe on here...but what's wrong with easy?!? A nice serving of yogurt and fruit is never a poor choice when reaching for something to snack on in the morning...well...unless you choose poor ingredients to go in it. :) I use plain greek yogurt, sweetened with stevia or unsweetened dark chocolate powder, and blackberries to keep the calories/sugars from the fruit low, the fat and sugar in the yogurt low, and the protein in the yogurt high. Just for comparison, I looked up McDonalds fruit & yogurt parfait nutrition facts and the nutrition facts for this recipe as it is posted. Check it out: This recipe vs. McDonalds Fruit & Yogurt Parfait. Yes, the fat is higher for this recipe, but it's good fat...not empty calories and full of sugar!!! The whole "fat-free" fad is over-rated and dangerous. Don't be afraid of fat...just keep the portions at the correct size and choose the right kind! Thank you to Katie at for this recipe!

Light Stuffed Zucchini (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE OPTION/VEGAN OPTIONS/VEGETARIAN OPTIONS/NUTRIENT DENSE/PROTEIN/FIBER/LOW CARB/LOW CALORIE/LOW GOOD FAT) - Hooray for another easy recipe! I know I've posted zucchini boats before, but they are just so darn good that I had to remind you about them! It's the easiest way to removed simple carbohydrates from a meal without losing the meal completely. Plus, since you can put whatever you want in them, it's fun to make it meet your needs and your taste preferences! :) Thank you to Lisa at for this recipe!


Creamy Healthy Corn and Quinoa Chowder (GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE OPTIONS/VEGAN/LOW CAL/GOOD CARBS/GOOD FATS/HIGH PROTEIN/NUTRIENT DENSE) - OMG! This soup is soooooo good!!! It seriously tastes just as good as regular corn chowder but you cut the calories and carbs by over half! I'm curious to try using coconut milk to this recipe to see if that makes it even creamier, but honestly, this soup is perfect already! Yes, 44g of carbs seems high for one bowl of soup, but they are good carbs! Check out the carb count of most grocery store soups and you'll lose your mind!!! This soup will keep you feeling warm and full on a winter day and at only 250 calories for a huge bowl, you can't go wrong! Thank you to Anjali at for this awesome recipe!


Low Fat Fettuccine Alfredo (GLUTEN FREE OPTIONS/VEGAN/VEGETARIAN/LOW GOOD FATS/LOW CARBS/LOW CAL/HIGH FIBER OPTIONS/PROTEIN) - Umm...I'm officially in Heaven with this recipe!!! Around the holidays, calories often get overlooked while you're "in the holiday spirit" and then when January 1st rolls around, everyone gets in the "OMG! I've got to drop 20 pounds with my New Year's resolution spirit!" Why not just make better choices (without loosing the flavor) during the holidays and skip that whole feeling guilty trip you take every year? It's better for your body overall! Besides, don't you want to start a new year without the added stress of getting weight back off in time for summer?!? :) Trust me, with recipes like this one, you can eat your fill and enjoy every moment of it! I use miracle noodles for this recipe but you can use any low calorie noodles available. I also add chicken for even more protein, but you can leave it out to keep it vegetarian or vegan friendly. :) At 141 calories, 7 grams of good fats, only 7 active carbs, 3 grams of fiber, and 7 grams of protein per serving, dinner does not get any easier to eat or feel good about! Thank you to Tanya at for this seriously amazing recipe!!!

"Keep It Sexy!"

November 18th, 2013


Hello everyone! So I know this blog hasn't been super reliable lately (it's something I'm working on :). In my defense though, I have been all over the place for the past few weeks between finding a new place to live, visiting family, battling a horrible cold and packing my apartment by myself within the span of a week. :/ I've been running around like crazy but I think I'm finally ready to go!! :) So, all that being said, I'm here to catch up on this week of blog posts! Let's get going!

This meal is so good! There are many variations of this recipe online, but this one is at the top of my favorites list. There is just something about butternut squash that makes me really happy. J Plus, the health benefits are great! Mix in some yummy chorizo and you’ve got a filling and delicious meal! Thank you to Juli at for this great recipe!

Weighing in at 15 calories per serving, this is a completely guilt-free snack (well…depending on what you eat with it ;) You even get 1 ½ grams of protein and fiber with each serving! So eat more to get more benefits!!! Plus, this recipe naturally contains no fat!!! Seriously, it doesn’t get any better. J  Thank you to Katie from for this recipe!

If you are sad about the previous recipe not containing avocado, then this recipe will take care of your desires. I love avocado so much that sometimes it’s all I can think about. Ahaha! I could seriously cut one in half and eat it with a spoon! Yum! This salad is great served as a side dish or a snack. At just over 100 calories, you won’t feel guilty at all about eating this dish and you will get in a ton of nutrients and good fats to keep you feeling full. Yay! Thank you to Anjali from for this delicious side dish/snack recipe!

I have been craving a philly cheesesteak for days! Ever since I cut the majority of bread out of my regular diet, all I see are sandwiches and it is torture! I’m not even a huge fan of sandwiches, but I guess it’s one of those situations where I want something just because I can’t have it. J I subbed sweet potatoes for the russets in this recipe to replace the empty carbs with something more substantial. The flavor combination was amazing! Seriously, give it a try and thank me later! Thank you to Gina at for this recipe!

I LOVE this recipe! There is nothing better than cooking a whole chicken at once and then returning home to a hot delicious meal! I add in some veggies and/or rice for a full meal all in one pot! Gotta love the easy clean-up! ;) This chicken is sooooo good! Thank you to George at for this quick and tasty recipe!

“Keep It Sexy!”


November 11th, 2013

Happy Veteran's Day! Being a Veteran myself, I'm very happy to have a day to thank others for serving! So, if you served - a special thank you to you from me! :) Okay, time to get down to business!


Coconut Flour Pancakes (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/VEGAN/GRAIN FREE/LOW CARB/LOW CALORIE/HIGH PROTEIN/FIBER/SUGAR FREE) - For those of you who follow me on Facebook, I'm sure you've seen the coconut flour pancakes that I made for my dad last week. Well, as promised, here's the recipe! :) These are seriously delicious and you just cannot beat 150 calories for an entire stack of pancakes! For those of you who are not coconut fans, no worries! These contain such a small amount of coconut flour that you can't even taste it. Trust me...I tested it on someone who hates coconut. :) Thank you to Kelly (who is ONLY 15) at for this great recipe!


Crispy Zucchini Fries (GLUTEN FREE/SUGAR FREE/LOW SODIUM/LOW CARBS/LOW CALORIES/DAIRY FREE/EGG FREE/HIGH FIBER/PROTEIN) - Ever thought about eating french fries and then realized how horrible they are for you? Darn the bad luck right?! Well, what if I told you that you could eat a large fry for 35 calories?!? These crispy zucchini fries are just that...35 calories for a whole serving and delicious! Such a great mid-day snack! They are also a great way to get the kids to eat their veggies!! Yay for added benefits! :) Thank you to Katie at for this recipe!

Sweet Potato Poi (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/WW FRIENDLY/DAIRY FREE/LOW SODIUM/SUGAR FREE/EGG FREE/LOW CALORIE/GOOD CARBS) - So, maybe you've realized by now that I happen to love sweet potato! I could seriously eat it every single day and never complain. :-) Of course, it is nice to vary it just a little bit, so I decided to try out this Hawaiian version. Boy, am I glad I did! It's delicious and filling!!! I definitely recommend this as a snack or a side dish! (Maybe even for Thanksgiving?? :) See what I did there? ;) You won't regret it! Thank you to Russ at for this recipe!


Grilled Ahi Nicoise Salad (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/WW FRIENDLY/LOW SODIUM/HIGH PROTEIN/FIBER/GOOD FATS/LOW GOOD CARBS/LOW SUGAR) - Salads for lunch are seriously my thing! I like eating lite for lunch so that I don't feel heavy at dinner. Plus, it saves calories! :) This salad is so good! The sodium content is a bit high for my liking, but I just reduce (or omit) the capers and olives and the problem is solved. :) I love the amount of protein available in one salad! Eggs and tuna! Awesome! So good! Thank you to Hayley and Bill at for this recipe!


Smoked Chicken with Tomatillo Salsa (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/WW FRIENDLY/DAIRY FREE/LOW SODIUM/SUGAR FREE/HIGH PROTEIN/LOW GOOD CARBS/LOW CALORIE/GOOD FATS) - Yes, this chicken is smoked and amazing, BUT there are also instructions for preparing it in the oven if you do not own a smoker (not all of us can be so lucky!). :) Fresh tomatillo salsa is definitely the way to go too! Buying it at the store is such a waste of money! Trust can make a ton at home for practically no cost and it tastes so great when it's fresh!!! I like to make a huge batch and then freeze it to use for multiple other recipes later. Yum!!! Thank you to George at for this recipe!

"Keep It Sexy!"

November 4th, 2013

Hey everyone! I'll be taking a vacation visiting family for this week! Have an awesome week and I'll see you again soon!

"Keep It Sexy!"

October 28th, 2013

Hey hey hey! How is everyone doing today?! Do I seem a little chipper for it to be a Monday morning? Probably...but in my is my Friday so WOOT WOOT! :) Oh yeah! Rockin' the weekend on Tuesday/Wednesday this week (btw...this is total sarcasm, as having Tuesday/Wednesday as a weekend totally blows...but I'll take what I can get! :) was everyone's real weekend? Are you ready for some meal planning? Let's do this!


 Breakfast Biscuit Sandwiches (PALEO/WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/HIGH PROTEIN/GOOD FATS/GOOD CARBS/FIBER) - Okay, so I will be upfront about this recipe and say that it does contain a LOT of cholesterol, so if you're watching that then you'll need to make some substitutions. No worries though because there are plenty of suggestions for substitutions at the link and all of them sound delicious! Anyway, when I found this recipe, I almost licked the screen. I just love breakfast that much and a biscuit sandwich is always a winner in my book. :) Thank you to Juli at for this recipe!


Bruschetta (from Everyday Paleo Italian Cuisine) - (PALEO/WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/EGG FREE/SUGAR FREE/LOW CARB/LOW CAL/LOW FAT) - So after all those eggs in the breakfast sandwiches, I felt like adding a snack containing eggs would cause egg overload! Eggs are really good and good for you, but the yolks do contain a lot of fat and cholesterol. Keep in mind that it's the good kind of fat, but fat is still fat no matter how you look at it. These little snacks are great because you can make them with salami or veggies as the base. I love having options! Great for a mid-day snack or as a party appetizer! Thanks to George at for sharing this little treat of a recipe!

Protein French Fries (WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE OPTIONS/VEGETARIAN/VEGAN/HIGH PROTEIN/LOW SODIUM/LOW CARBS/LOW CAL) - So I don't know about you, but sometimes I just crave french fries for a treat! Usually not regular french fries. I'm more of a steak fries, curly fries, or sweet potato fries kind of gal. I also love those wedge fries they serve at B-B-Q joints or Fudruckers (with all those different cheeses....YUM!!!). Well, as you know, fries aren't really the best thing for you. Good news: these fries are guilt-free (as long as you don't cover them in salt or a sodium-filled sauce!)! They are also super filling thanks to all of the protein in them. Yay! Thank you to Katie at for this recipe!


Grilled Prawns on Rosemary Skewers (PALEO/WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/EGG FREE/HIGH PROTEIN/GOOD FATS/GOOD CARBS/LOW SODIUM/FIBER) - Yes, yes. I know summer is over and anything that says "grilled" is off the table (so to speak), but you can still make these in the oven. I'm just not ready to let grilled food go just because frost has touched the ground. :) This meal tastes light, but it's actually quite filling thanks to protein-packed shrimp! I love the touch of using rosemary as the skewers!! Takes the flavor to a whole new level! Thanks to the good folks at for putting this recipe together!


Barbacoa Beef (PALEO/WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/EGG FREE/LOW SODIUM/LOW CARBS/LOW CAL/GOOD FATS/HIGH PROTEIN) - Seriously, who doesn't love the barbacoa at Chipotle? That stuff is like a drug to me...but sadly, as with most American-made Mexican food, it's high in sodium. :-/ Benefit of making it at home - you can completely control the level of sodium in your meal! Yay! Plus, it costs much less for much more! Leftovers?? Please and thank you! :) Give this recipe a try soon! As with all the other recipes from this meal plan, this barbacoa is crazy high in protein so you won't have that starving feeling 30 minutes after eating dinner (I HATE that!). Thank you to Gina at for this recipe!

"Keep it Sexy!"

October 21st, 2013
Hello to all you glorious fitness fanatics! Doing my part to keep you from having a complete case of the Mondays, I'm here to help you with some healthy meal-planning for your week! Side note: Can you believe it's almost the end of October already?!?! This year is flying by! I hope you are looking at the early Christmas sales to save some money because it will be here before you know it!


Egg Bake Casserole (PALEO/WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/SUGAR FREE/GOOD LOW CARBS/GOOD LOW FATS) - If you are looking for a quick and simple breakfast, then I have just the recipe for you! This recipe is for a single serving, but I like to increase the ingredients and make a bunch of these little egg casseroles in a muffin pan. Breakfast for days!! They freeze well for up to one week, so they are great for trips too! Thank you to Hayley and Bill at for this cute little breakfast recipe!


Chocolate Muscle Milk (WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE/VEGAN/SUGAR FREE/DAIRY FREE/GOOD LOW CARBS/HIGH FIBER/HIGH PROTEIN) - Okay...Hold up your hands: How many of you enjoy Muscle Milk Protein Shakes? I'll admit it. There was a time when I thought they were awesome. Like when I would leave the house without a prepared healthy snack and then during a moment of panic I'd run into a gas station, hoping to find something remotely healthy (Ahahahahaha!!!!! That's a good one right!?!). I'd buy my Muscle Milk and walk out feeling victorious. Fast forward to today, when I realize that Muscle Milk is run by Pepsi, and thanks to that fact, it's loaded down with Sucralose (a fake sugar known for containing ammonia...yum right?!? Bleck!) and a bunch of other horrible ingredients. Another push for an unhealthy product to be labeled as healthy and advertised to the masses (Oh, say it ain't so!!!).  Well here's the good news: one of my favorite bloggers - Jessica from - actually created a healthy recipe for Muscle Milk!!! Hooray!!!  If you are Paleo and dairy/soy free, feel free to substitute with almond or coconut milk. Happy snacking! Thanks to Jessica for the recipe!

Acorn Squash Candy (PALEO/WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/EGG FREE/HIGH IN VITAMIN A AND C/HIGH IN FIBER/GOOD FATS/GOOD LOW CARBS) - It seems like every fall, squash becomes a key player in meal time. Butternut squash is my personal favorite with spaghetti squash and yellow squash coming in at a close second and third. Although I love squash, it does seem that acorn squash always slips from my mind. Well, not anymore. In an attempt to cut down my sugar intake even more, I decided to try out this acorn squash "candy." Okay, so it's not really candy, but if I tell my mind it's candy, then it's candy. :) Life is what you make of it, right?  This little dish is a great snack after work. It really hits the spot when I need to stop those hunger pangs that always seem to occur between my late lunch and dinner. Thank you to Juli at for this recipe!


Asian Kale Salmon Salad (PALEO OPTIONS/WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE/NO SUGAR ADDED/HIGH IN NUTRIENTS/HIGH FIBER/HIGH PROTEIN/GOOD FATS) - It's been a while since I've done a post with salmon...I just love salmon! So many health benefits! Omega 3's, good fats, high protein, tastes great!!! Kale is equally beneficial. This salad is definitely a winner! Be sure to try it out for a filling lunch this week. :) Thank you to Kristin at for this recipe!


Grilled Flank Steak with Tomatoes (PALEO/WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/LOW SODIUM/NO SUGAR ADDED/HIGH PROTEIN/GOOD LOW CARBS/GOOD LOW FAT) - I wasn't planning on posting a steak recipe today. I was actually thinking more of a burger's Monday night football tonight and the two are intertwined in my mind. While searching for one of my favorite burger recipes, I came across this in my recipe book. Seriously, just looking at the picture makes my mouth water like crazy! This dish is so good!!! Be sure to try it out! Thank you to Gina at for this delectable dish!

"Keep It Sexy!"


October 14th, 2013

Greetings all you health-conscious members of society! Thank you for joining me on Columbus Day! I hope you are all enjoying your holiday! Also, who's ready for Monday night football?! I sure am! Okay, let's get this meal planning started!


Spinach and Goat Cheese Omelet (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/SUGAR FREE/LOW SODIUM/LOW CARB/GOOD FATS) - I love omelets. They are so easy to make and the ingredients can be so versatile. After a good morning workout, an omelet really hits the spot. I like simple omelets the best. Yes, the fully loaded IHOP Colorado omelet is good, but for me, it's just too much. Omelets don't taste too good reheated in the microwave (in my opinion), so I'd rather have one that I can finish in one sitting without feeling like I'm going to die from egg-overload. :) This omelet really hits the spot! It tastes light but it's actually really filling thanks to the three eggs and the goat cheese. Sometimes I switch it up and use feta...but either way, it's delicious! Thanks to Hayley and Bill at for this quick and easy breakfast!


Bagel Apple Rings (PALEO OPTIONS/WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE OPTIONS/VEGAN OPTIONS/EGG FREE/DAIRY FREE/NO SUGAR ADDED/GOOD CARBS/GOOD FATS) - Okay, okay. So these don't actually consist of bagels...BUT, what a great little treat with natural sugars and protein to provide a little pick-me-up in the morning right? Plus, this is another recipe that the kids love! The adults cut the apples into bagels and then the kids get to add the toppings. So simple but so much fun too! :) What toppings would you add? Thank you to Lauryn at for this cute little treat idea!

Spicy Salmon Cucumber Bites (PALEO/WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE/EGG FREE/HIGH PROTEIN/LOW SODIUM/GOOD FATS) - For those of you who enjoy savory treats rather than sweets, this is a great little recipe for you! I love the spicy little kick from the Tabasco and paprika. I also love all the different Paleo mayo recipes that Michelle provides in this post.  These are great healthy snacks for football games or cocktail parties and they are SO easy to make. Whip up a batch for Monday night football. Your body will thank you! :) Thanks to Michelle at for this recipe!


Avocado and Chicken Caprese Salad (PALEO OPTIONS/WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE/EGG FREE/HIGH PROTEIN/GOOD CARBS/GOOD FATS) - This salad is light and easy to make AND tastes delicious! The ingredient list is small, but it's very filling thanks to the protein-packed chicken and the good fats from the avocado. If you want it truly Paleo, leave out the mozzarella (which is pretty much a cardinal sin in my book :) I just love mozzarella! Thank you to Kristin at for another great salad recipe!


Burgers Four Ways (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE W/O BUN ADDED/DAIRY FREE OPTION/GOOD FATS/GOOD CARBS/HIGH PROTEIN) - All you burger lovers are seriously about to fall madly in love with me! This link will take you to an awesome blog post by George from The Domestic Man blog. George went to his friend's house for a...wait for it....a burger party!!!! What an amazing idea!!! You get your favorite people together at one location with a grill and their best burger recipes and then you go to town trying them out. Awesome! For those of you who are Paleo or Gluten-free, leave off the burger bun. With all the add-ons, you won't even miss it. :) Which burger will you be trying tonight for Monday night football? Thank you to George at for this great idea and for sharing all the recipes!
"Keep It Sexy!"

October 7th, 2013

Hey everyone! Welcome back to the Fit-Meals Page! Thank you for waiting patiently for these recipes while I got my regular schedule back on track after the competition! I won't make you wait any longer! Let's go!!!


Chocolate Zucchini Bread (GLUTEN FREE/WW FRIENDLY/PALEO/EGG FREE OPTION/NO SUGAR ADDED/HIGH PROTEIN/GOOD CARBS/GOOD FATS) - Yes! I demand that you eat this chocolate zucchini bread for breakfast and I will twist your arm to make it happen! :) Chocolate for breakfast, you ask?!? Absolutely okay in my book! I substitute dark chocolate chips for added antioxidants (and that totally makes it okay!). I like to use toasted cacao powder rather than plan...just gives it a little extra flavor. Yum! If you can't eat eggs, substitute a flax egg instead (mix 1 tbsp. of ground flax seeds with 2 tbsp of water and allow it to sit for 5 minutes until it gums up to the texture of an egg - then use as recipe requires). For those of you still sitting on the edge of your seats wondering what I ate for breakfast on the morning of the show....zucchini bread was the winner...AND it was AH-MAZ-ING! :) Thank you to Adriana at for this recipe!


Curried Chicken Salad in an Avocado Bowl with Bonus Low-Fat Paleo Mayo Recipe (PALEO/WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/NO ADDED SUGAR/HIGH PROTEIN/GOOD FATS/GOOD CARBS) - So, you should know this about me...I LOVE anything in an avocado bowl! Seriously, my favorite fruit...or is it a vegetable??? (oh well, tomAto tomAHto...see what I did there? Who knows what either of those items are??) Moving on...this snack will definitely satisfy those hunger pangs and keep you feeling full for hours! It is full of healthy fats and good carbs (if you don't know what I mean by that, check out my other blog page to get the scoop on what's really in your food). You definitely need to try this one out for an afternoon snack, Superbowl snacks, or...heck...any other time! :) Thank you to Arsy at for this recipe!

Pumpkin and Pecan Muffins (PALEO/WW FRIENDLY/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/HIGH FIBER/GOOD CARBS/NO SUGAR ADDED) - Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin! Are ya sick of it yet?!? I tried to warn you a few posts ago that it was going to happen. I'm a pumpkin fanatic! It's just so delicious! Anyway, these muffins are a great little treat in the middle of the day. Full of good carbs, protein, and fiber, they will keep you feeling full without a sugar rush! My only problem with this recipe is the number of eggs required (6!!!) which adds a ton of cholesterol and fat to the muffins. The good news is that you can sub egg whites and/or unsweetened apple sauce or avocado for most of those eggs. Any of those substitution ingredients will help bind the other ingredients together and provide the muffins with moisture to keep them soft while baking/cooling. :) Don't you just love substitutions!?! Thank you to Hayley Mason and Bill Staley at for this recipe!


Jerk Shrimp with Caribbean Quinoa (GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/EGG FREE/NO ADDED SUGAR/HIGH PROTEIN/HIGH FIBER/GOOD FATS/GOOD CARBS) - So, remember that time when you went to the Caribbean and first tasted Jerk seasoning? You don't...never been to the Caribbean??? Well, the good news is that you don't have to go there to sample the food! Just make it in the comfort of your own home and then sit in the living room with the fan on and plug in a tropical scented wall plug-in and poof! You're there! Okay, so not really...but closer than you would be in almost any other situation right?!? No? Work with me people! Guess what? Quinoa is gluten free, full of good carbs, and it happens to be a complete protein!!! (Don't know what that means? Check out my other blog at to find out what your food actually contains. :) If you like a spicy kick, you'll love the shrimp!!! Thank you to Kristin at for this recipe!


Rouladen (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE OPTION/EGG FREE/HIGH PROTEIN/GOOD FATS/LOW SODIUM/NO SUGAR ADDED) - Want to make something that looks fancy, tastes delicious, AND is super easy to prepare? Try this Rouladen recipe! Yes, it takes two hours to fully cook...but is SO easy to put together!!! Any carnivorous man (or woman for that matter) will love this dish! It's French influence is clear and marvelous! So, want to impress your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife/Practically anyone?!?! Make this for dinner and watch the smiles appear! :) Thank you to Russ at for this recipe!

"Keep It Sexy!"

September 30th, 2013

Hello all you healthy meal planners! :) Welcome back!
I'm sure you are super excited to get to the recipes, so let's get started!


Breakfast Cupcakes (GLUTEN FREE/WW FRIENDLY/HIGH PROTEIN/LOW SUGAR) - I love to make breakfast "cupcakes!" They are SO easy to make and they keep well in the fridge for up to a week, so you don't have to worry about your leftovers going bad. Plus, you can make a whole pan (or two) of them and not have to worry about preparing breakfast for the rest of the week. You can't beat that! I like to add spinach or broccoli into mine. Sometimes I'll leave out the turkey sausage and wrap two pieces of bacon around the inside of the cupcake liner before I fill it with the eggs and bake. All options are delicious! Thank you to Niki at for this versatile and delicious recipe!


Apple Pie Nachos (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/EGG FREE/DAIRY FREE/LOW SODIUM/LOW SUGAR/HIGH PROTEIN/GOOD FATS/GOOD CARBS) - Who says that nachos have to consist of chips smothered in cheese and beans and whatever else? Yes, they are delicious (note to self...make nachos! lol), but you can also make this nacho-inspired dish as a filling and healthy treat for yourself or have the kids help you make it as an after-school snack. They will love making the "nachos" and you can feel good about them eating a whole serving of them! Win-Win! Thank you to Juli at for this recipe!

Healthy Peanut Butter and Jelly Blondies (PALEO/WW FRIENDLY/LOW NATURAL SUGAR/LOW SODIUM/HIGH PROTEIN/HIGH FIBER/GOOD CARBS/GOOD FATS/EGG FREE/DAIRY FREE) - Who doesn't enjoy a good pb&j?? Seriously, if you don't...what in the world happened?!?! I can understand if you can't have nuts, that's different...but a pb&j (or almond and j for those who are peanut intolerant) is the epitome of American childhood (as far as mine went anyway). For those who hated the crust, these blondies are the perfect way around it! :) Plus, they are healthy, contain 10g of protein per blondie, 4g of fiber, 0 saturated and trans fats, and only 7g of sugar from the fruit spread. Yes the carb count seems high, but it's good carbs that will keep you feeling full and help fuel your body for hours. Enjoy! Thank you to Jessica at for this great recipe!


Coconut Shrimp with Sweet and Spicy Sauce (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/LOW SUGAR/HIGH PROTEIN/GOOD CARBS/GOOD FATS/EGG FREE OPTION/DAIRY FREE) - These coconut shrimp cook up within a matter of minutes. It generally takes me 20 minutes to prep this dish as long as my shrimp are ready to go. The spicy pineapple sauce is a delicious find that can be paired with many other meals later on or even served over dessert...yes...believe it! It's good! ;-)  Serve these shrimp over a spinach salad and call it lunch! Serve it over polenta or quinoa and call it dinner. Yum! Substitute low-fat coconut milk for the egg white to make this an egg less dish. Thank you to George over at for this recipe!


High Protein Mushroom Stroganoff (VEGETARIAN/PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/SOY-FREE OPTION/EGG FREE/DAIRY FREE/LOW SODIUM/LOW SUGAR/HIGH PROTEIN/GOOD CARBS/GOOD FATS) - I found this recipe while checking out Katie's baking blog. That's right! Who knew the girl had mad skills in the cooking side of the kitchen as well!?! This dish is crazy good...and if you don't happen to like vegetarian meals, just toss some meat in the pan and cook it all together! Delicious and so many health benefits!!! Thank you to Katie at for this awesome recipe!!!

"Keep It Sexy!"

September 23rd, 2013

Hello to all my gorgeous Internet followers! Take a look in that mirror and tell yourself that you can do it! Then, get it done! :) Start off your week with some healthy meal plans and just keep up the motivation from there!


Sweet Potato Breakfast Skillet (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/GOOD FATS/GOOD CARBS/DAIRY FREE) - Breakfast can be a hard thing to figure when you remove grains and dairy. Think about it. When I say breakfast, the following list of foods enters my mind: biscuits & gravy, pancakes, donuts, etc. Not trying to tempt you here...just sayin. :) Well thank goodness for George over at! He put together a delicious and filling breakfast recipe for us, full of good carbs, good fats, and tons of nutrients. Be sure to try this one out to get your day started right!


Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffin - Single Serving (GLUTEN FREE OPTION/DAIRY FREE OPTION/GOOD CARBS/FIBER/SUGAR FREE OPTION/EGG FREE) - So I was at work the other day and there was a packaged muffin sitting on the desk. You know the kind...the chocolate chip with the strudel on top...that used to be Heaven to me. I turned it over to look at the nutritional info and almost fell out of my chair: 770 calories, 40g of fat, 67 carbs, 40g of sugar!!!! WHAT!?!? In one muffin!! That's half my daily intake of calories and almost my entire carb load on a high carb day! Ridiculous that I used to stuff my face with that...those??...multiple?!? Moving on...(thank goodness :). Katie at has created single-serving muffins that are only 110-150 calories a piece, full of good carbs, low to no fat, zero sugar, and full of nutrients. These muffins will keep you full without the sugar overload (ahem...sugar crash later) and you don't have to feel guilty about eating it...(them??)....don't judge me! ;-)

Healthy Chubby Hubby Fudge (VEGAN/GLUTEN FREE OPTION/DAIRY FREE/HIGH PROTEIN/HIGH FIBER/NO-BAKE/GOOD FATS/GOOD CARBS/SUGAR FREE) - So, I'm totally advocating having a dessert type treat as a snack in the middle of the day. Why? Well it's healthy and full of good stuff to keep you full of energy throughout the day without crashing. :) Yay! Of course, you could always have this as your after dinner dessert if you so choose. :) Jessica from is a healthy dessert genius who found a way to make a healthy version of a chubby hubby and turned it into fudge as well - in only 5 ingredients!!! How awesome is that!? Check it out and make your whole family super happy!


Honey Glazed Chicken and Mango Salad (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/EGG FREE/HIGH PROTEIN/HIGH NUTRIENTS/GOOD FATS) - I'm a pretty big fan of salad for lunch. It's easy to transport in my Tupperware and it's easy to prepare the night before. This salad has a lot of ingredients, but you can feel free to add or subtract as you choose. After all, it's your salad. ;) I will agree with Vanessa though...cilantro and mango go together surprisingly well here! Thank you to Vanessa at for this recipe!


Spinach Stracciatella Soup with Orzo (LOW CAL/LOW CARB/LOW FAT/HIGH PROTEIN/HIGH NUTRIENTS/LOW SODIUM) - The cooler weather is here and I'm sooo excited! I love cold weather because I love hot food! :) It's always some sort of comfort food and this recipe is no exception. Plus, when it comes to soup or pasta, you can make tons of it and freeze it and then you have meals for days!!! Can I get an amen to cutting down cooking time?!? Try out this recipe from Gina at and impress yourself and your friends and family with an easy meal full of nutrients and love. :)

"Keep It Sexy!"

September 16th, 2013

Hey everyone! I know I'm late posting for this past week but training at work has been taking up all of my time. I'm here now though, so let's get this going! :)


Caramelized Onion, Red Pepper and Zucchini Frittata (WW FRIENDLY/LOW CARB/LOW CAL/SUGAR FREE/HIGH PROTEIN/GLUTEN FREE) - I just love frittatas! This is basically my way of tricking myself into thinking that I'm eating pie for breakfast...and who doesn't love pie?? Frittatas are so quick and simple to make. It's basically an omelet in pie form, which makes me love it more because it holds together better than an omelet - making for easier eating...always a plus! Thank you to Gina at for this great breakfast recipe!


Cinnamon Banana Waffle Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE/LOW CARB/LOW SUGAR/HIGH FIBER) - I'm actually providing you with two recipes in one here. I figure since I'm posting so late this week, I owe ya! ;-) So now you are getting a delicious breakfast recipe and a yummy snack! All healthy! Yay for options! Thank you to Juli at for this recipe!

Healthy Chocolate Coconut Granola Clusters (SUGAR FREE/GOOD CARBS/GOOD FATS/GLUTEN FREE/EGG FREE/DAIRY FREE/LOW SODIUM) - Have you ever been on a long drive or out running errands and those hunger pangs starts to hit you? "Oh no!," I think to myself. I hate being out without healthy snack options. I generally end up at a gas station somewhere fiending and the only thing available is celery with nasty ranch dressing for $3.00. Ugh! Celery pack is purchased and ranch is thrown out before I get to the car...but that's not a good snack - no protein to keep me full, nothing but empty carbs. Can't have that!!! So make this and take it with you to snack on throughout the day and never go through that nonsense. :) Thank you to Jessica at for this awesome snack recipe!


Sage and Cinnamon Chicken (PALEO/LOW CARB/LOW CAL/EGG FREE/GLUTEN FREE/SUGAR FREE) - This chicken is the bomb-diggity! Yes...yes I did just say that and I don't care if you judge me for it. All I care about is that you try this recipe! It's seriously too simple and too good to pass up. I took George's suggestion and paired it with sweet potato pasta and that just made it even better! Make this ASAP! :) Thanks George at for this recipe!


Gluten Free Grain Free Beef Ravioli (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE/EGG FREE/GOOD FATS/LOW SUGAR/LOW SODIUM ADDED) - When I first heard of Celiac disease from my step-mom, I sat in disbelief thinking about how I could never give up pasta, bread, pastries, cookies, cakes, etc.  I wondered how anyone could make it through the day without those delicious carbs. The thing that made me the most sad is thinking about giving up all my favorite Italian foods. I do not have Celiac, but thinking about it made me curious about what options were available. The good news is that gluten free menus are now all-the-rage in restaurants and at the grocery stores, providing plenty of options! For instance, check out this awesome gluten free ravioli recipe! Thank you Russ at for this recipe!

"Keep It Sexy!"

September 9th, 2013

Wow! It's been another week already?!!? Where is the time going??? This year is just flying by! Anyway, stay on top of your meal planning with these delicious and healthy meals this week:


Healthy Pumpkin Oatmeal Shake (WW FRIENDLY/HIGH FIBER) - So, I don't know about you, but I'm super excited about pumpkin season! I LOVE pumpkin-flavoured anything! :) Some days, especially during the school year, I don't have time for a full breakfast but I don't want to load up on sugar-and-fat-laden pastries that will only keep me full for 5 minutes. This shake is a delicious treat for breakfast and it only takes a few minutes to whip up. Following the suggestion of a fellow blogger, I make mine the night before and keep it in the fridge. This makes the shake thicker and it's almost like having a thick pumpkin oatmeal milkshake for breakfast! Dessert for breakfast?!? Yes! Yes! Yes! Plus, NO Guilt!! :) Thank you to Gina at for this recipe!


Stuffed Mexican Sweet Potato (PALEO-leave off yogurt/FULL OF GOOD CARBS/PROTEIN) - Not all snacks have to be little granola bars, protein shakes, or sweets. A great snack is a filling snack and these stuffed sweet potatoes are definitely that! The flavor is fantastic! I added salsa to mine instead of Greek yogurt in order to make it completely paleo, but you can add whatever you like! I'll allow it. ;-) Thank you to Tiffany at for this quick treat!

Fresh Tuna, Mozzarella and Basil Pizza (HIGH PROTEIN/LOW SUGAR) - Another healthy and filling snack to have between meals, serve at a party, or even eat as the main entree. :) Don't you just love versatile foods!?! These tuna, mozzarella and basil pizzas are great, plus, you can change the toppings to meet your desires/needs. I, personally, like to sear little tuna steaks to go on top of my pizza or crumble up some spicy turkey sausage. Yum! Thank you to Liz at for this recipe!


Chipotle Bowl (PALEO-leave off yogurt/SUGAR FREE//HIGH PROTEIN/LOW CAL/LOW CARB) - These titles are just getting longer and longer...BUT that's a good thing! The longer they get, the better the meal will be for you! :) So...if you really know me, you will know of my love for Chipotle! It's one of the healthiest fast food restaurants you could eat at as long as you watch how many toppings you add and be cautious with your sodium intake. Most Mexican foods are loaded with salt! Be careful! Even though Chipotle is great, making the salad bowl at home is more cost effective and it allows you to control your portion sizes and maybe even add some toppings that Chipotle doesn't have...yet. Such as - sweet potatoes?!? Thank you to Jennifer at for breaking the recipe down for us!


Honey Ginger Apple Shredded Pork (PALEO/LOW CAL/LOW CARBS/SUGAR FREE) - Crockpot cooking (if you'll allow me to call it cooking here) is one of the easiest things to do in this world...and it makes me excessively happy! Throw the meat in during breakfast and leave for the day. Then when you get home after work, POOF!....dinner is ready! A hot meal to welcome me home and only one bowl to clean (aside from my dinner bowl of course ;)! Awesome-ness!!! I used a venison roast because that's what I had on hand and it contains higher protein levels and less fat than pork. This would probably be good with lamb too! Try it out to your liking and tell me what you think in the comment section! Thank you to Juli at for this delicious recipe!

"Keep It Sexy!"

September 2, 2013

Hey everyone! I have a new list of healthy and delicious meals from around the web for you today! Be sure to check these out!


Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict (LOW CARB) - If you are in the mood for a gourmet looking breakfast but you don't have the time or desire to actually prepare a gourmet meal, try this easy little dish. It looks beautiful and tastes delicious! Thank you to Russ at for this recipe! P.S. If you'd like to cut even more of the calories out of this dish, try my mock hollandaise sauce:

1/2 cup light mayonaise (or even healthier - 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt)
1/2 tsp dijon mustard
4 tsps lemon juice, fresh
2 tbsp unsalted butter
salt and red pepper (or cayenne pepper), to taste

Mix mayo (or yogurt), mustard and lemon juice together. Melt butter in a microwave safe dish and then quickly mix into mayo mixture until it reaches desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper. Pour over eggs.


 Nutty Strawberry Protein Bites (PALEO) - Protein bites are one of my favorite snacks, mainly because they are so versatile. You can add any ingredients you want once you make your base and they always turn out great! Just keep your ingredients real and you really can't go wrong. :) Thank you to Michelle over at for this recipe!

Baked Parmesan Kale Chips (LOW CARB/LOW CAL) - If you've been paying attention to the health food section in your grocery store lately, you may have seen kale chips being sold. Although kale chips can be a very healthy snack, the packaged kale chips being sold as "healthy" items at the stores contain TONS of salt and other preservatives to keep them as fresh as possible - making them unhealthy. :( Kale chips are so easy to make yourself - plus, you'll actually know what you are eating. Four simple ingredients (three if you don't want the cheese...but seriously, who doesn't want the cheese?! :) Thank you to Gina at for this recipe!


 Healthy Version of Chick-fil-a nuggets (PALEO/GLUTEN FREE) - Recently, I was talking with my dad and he was expressing concern over the fact that the chicken nuggets that he bought in the frozen food section were packed full of garbage (according to the nutrition/ingredient label). I promised to provide him with a healthy chicken nugget here it is! :) Only 10 ingredients and super easy to prepare! Plus, you don't have to give up a yummy treat just so that you can eat healthy.  Healthy food is more than rice cakes and celery sticks these days ya know! ;-) Thanks to Russ at for this recipe!


Light Shrimp Parmigiana Hero (LOW FAT/HIGH PROTEIN) - It's starting to cool down around these parts in the evenings and football season has FINALLY arrived! Whoop whoop! :) The other night I was in the mood for a hot meal and Gina's shrimp parmigiana heros popped into my mind. I cut the carbs way down by using baked eggplant rather than bread. Other ideas could be stuffing the shrimp parmigiana into lettuce wraps, zucchini boats, or savory crepes or topping portobello mushroom caps or salad with it. YUM!

"Keep it Sexy!"

August 26th, 2013 (My First Recipe List! :)

Check out these links for some fantastic healthy recipes! If you try any of them, please leave a comment and tell me how you liked it. Also, if you have specific requests, just let me know!


Chocolate Coffee Banana Donuts (PALEO) - I just made these last week for a couple of my buddies at the Lawrence Fire Station. They were going on a trip to Denver and I figured they could use some snacks. Boy were they surprised when I showed up with donuts, muffins, and power packs to keep them full during the 10 hour drive! The good news, they loved these donuts (along with all the other stuff too...don't worry - I'll be getting you recipes for the rest)! They can be a bit messy with the chocolate on top. Just remember to keep them cool so the chocolate doesn't melt all over. (Thanks to Juli at for this recipe!)


Sweet Potato Chai Muffins (PALEO) - (Another great recipe from Juli at Thanks again Juli!) So, these are the muffins I referenced to earlier in the donut post. :) (Told ya I'd get the recipe posted for you). These muffins are SO good! Can I just say that these muffins and the donuts linked above are the easiest things ever to make! Just throw everything into the blender/food processor and then pour it into the baking pan/cups. How easy is that?!? Breakfast or a snack in 20 minutes or less - and - you'll have enough to last all week! YAY!!!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bars (Processed ingredient free!) - These protein bars are great as a snack or a light dessert! I made these for myself and my aerial acrobatic crew when we were performing at the Fringe Fest. in Kansas City this year. was gone within 10 minutes of my arrival. The only change I made to the recipe was to bake the bars at 350 degrees for 7 minutes. This helped them hold together better but they still tasted like gooey cookie chocolate chip cookie dough. SOOO GOOD! (Thanks to Jessica at for this recipe!)


Zucchini Lasagna (Low-Carb) - I made this recipe a while back for some true Italians...and they were quite pleased with the results! If anyone could judge lasagna accurately, it would be someone from Italy, right?! :) I know it sounds crazy, but with this recipe, you won't even miss the pasta! It's absolutely delectable! Why eat salad every day for lunch if you can have this instead with just as many healthy benefits? YUM! (Thanks to Gina at for this recipe!)


Teriyaki sirloin kabobs (PALEO) - These are seriously easy and delicious! With only a few weeks of summer left, we really need to get all the time we have left out of our grills. Try out this quick recipe for dinner and then give yourself a pat on the back for eating a healthy meal, packed with protein and nutrients! Just remember, if adding a side to this, keep it light or you'll ruin all your good efforts! (Thanks to George from for this recipe!).
"Keep It Sexy!"

1 comment:

  1. Hmm great article!

    A Balanced Diet in Weight Loss Accomplishing an adjusted eating regimen incorporates eating the right kind and measure of nourishment that will give you enough supplements to support weight reduction. In a perfect world, your eating routine ought to be heavier in products of the soil, entire sugars and low in dietary fats. Also, incline proteins, and bunches of water for hydration and activity are essential!
